Listen to Episode 3:
Believing in entrepreneurs is a habit some of us are gladly used to feed every day. Entrepreneurs are one brave and powerful piece of a puzzle in today's world. They can change the way we live, the way we work and what we consume. Without fresh ideas and hopes to grow professionally, this world would be a very boring place. Meet Evan Carmichael, challenger, power speaker, DJ, professional salsa dancer, entrepreneurial helper, and world changer.
At the early age of 19, Evan built and sold a biotech software company after many struggles early on as an entrepreneur. Later on, he raised from 500K to 15M as a venture capitalist at 22. Today, Carmichael owns the biggest Youtube channel for entrepreneurs, with more than 2 million subscribers. Global speaker, husband, and father of a son, he’s set 2 world records, uses a stand-up desk to work, and rides a Vespa. He started his own project to help entrepreneurs develop startups and aims to help over 1B entrepreneurs with unlocking their human potential. Evan believes that our purpose comes from pain and he breathes and bleeds entrepreneurship.
In this episode, Evan shares with us the infinite possibilities of finding that window of opportunity for self-growth. He is convinced that everybody is the best at something, even if they don’t even see the potential in themselves. Tune in and learn how to improve your self-esteem and reach your full potential in this amazing episode of the Income Hacker podcast!
Quote: “Every time something is just a strategy I lose. [...] You’ve got to love the process, you’ve got to love the actual work.”
Podcast Summary:
01:53 - A bit of Evan’s background and how he changed limiting beliefs in his own self.
03:06 - Finding that window of opportunity in which self-growth is possible.
06:30 - Unlocking your inner genius by trying out different things and loving what you do.
10:10 - The “aha” moment when Evan learned to model success.
12:57 - Why seeking out business only as a strategy or a get-rich opportunity may be your biggest Income Hacker mistake.
14:44 - Why following your heart may lead to great Income Hacker success.
15:44 - Growing your self-confidence upon fear and tackling new challenges.
20:08 - Tying your self-esteem to the effort instead of the result.
22:49 - The compound effect: How small daily action adds up to big results over time.
24:57 - Teaching your kids self-belief rather than hacks.
27:26 - How important it is to get your partner involved in your Income Hacking journey.
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Episode Resources
The compound effect by Darren Hardy
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