Listen to Episode 13:
Let’s face something real: There are only few people in our lives that understand how money works, why money devaluation and economic crisis happen from time to time, and most importantly, how to be in a safe place when all of this happens. Thanks to passionate people like Jeff Berwick, we can still change the course of our financial life, manage cryptocurrencies and learn how to get your financial freedom on track.
Jeff Berwick, a free-market individual, is the Dollar Vigilante; he protests about the government’s monopoly on money and financial policies such as fractional reserve banking and unbacked Fiat currencies, by selling the same Fiat currency in favor of other assets (including silver, gold, real estate, and Bitcoin). The Dollar Vigilante is also an amazing newsletter, where you can find more about Berwick’s philosophy and how to keep yourself updated on what is to come in the future.
Today, we will learn about the history and current state of the US central bank, hyperinflation and where we are headed. We’ll talk precious metals, cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, and how to get started on it with the help of our Anarcho-capitalist guest Jeff Berwick. He’ll be sharing with us some very valuable information on how to get ready for the next upcoming market crash.
“Don’t get too focused on money and take care of your health, your family and friends, make sure you have that balance in your life”.
Podcast summary:
- 02:30 - Jeff’s history, the current state of the US public debt and the possibility of an imminent economic crisis.
- 07:40 - What we all need to know about the devaluation of money through hyperinflation.
- 10:40 - Jeff’s opinion about gold & silver; “If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it.”
- 14:10 - Brief history of Taxation and the current state of it in the US.
- 15:55 - HyperInflation, and the real consequences to come.
- 20:25 - Cryptocurrency and the wonders of mining bitcoin: a paradigm shift in money and banking.
- 28:45 - Bitcoin Exchange and how using it will show you how it works.
- 35:05 - Diversifying internationally and avoiding the US and Europe to prepare for a possible upcoming economic crisis.
- 38:35 - Jeff’s biggest income hacker moment: How he invested in his new internet company and got a big line of credit resulting in a big return of investment.
- 40:50 - The internet and bitcoin as Jeff’s main mind-shift moments throughout his career.
- 45:05 - Jeff’s biggest reason in life: Get people to access information about stocks and help them free themselves.
Connect with Jeff
Episode Resources
Lord of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
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