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Oct 11, 2019 2:42:00 PM

Asset Protection and the 4 Asset Types

Listen to Episode 14:

We all have at least one friend or family member that wishes he or she could have some financial education when they were kids, at high-school, or even at college. Once we are all grown-up, it can be a little harder to learn financial skills, but it is not impossible at all!  

Learning financial skills is an important and powerful virtue that can take you to places you’ve never thought of. Today’s guest expert, Curtis May, was that kid. 

Born in Philadelphia, Curtis’ parents never had the motivation to get a good education or a good job, so he decided to help people with that conversation. Curtis is now the father of three little girls and is convinced that every parent should have those conversations with their children. Curtis May is now a financial educator, and we will learn from him how to manage our money the right way, or as May puts it, ‘It’s not what you earn, is what you keep’.

Curtis May is here to tell us about his 35-year-old business, how his company teaches people to manage money the proper way and multiply it with a well-built prosperity economic model, focused on long term learning and multiple investing options. Walk with us as Curtis shares the books that changed his world, how he made his first investment and the Prosperity Economics Movement he is part of.

 ‘"Your economic situation is a matter of choice not chance.’" Curtis May.

Podcast summary:

  • 06:10 - Why you need to be your own steward when it comes to taking care of your money. 
  • 08:20 - Some general insights into Speculation and Investments.
  • 12:00 - Curtis’ focus on efficiency in keeping money and a great way to increase your personal margin.
  • 16:00 - Differences between lifestyle money, accumulated money, and transfer money.
  • 20:30 - Considering the worth of the money you’ve spent is important for it to have a future.  

Want to learn more?

Join Ryan on our next webinar to learn how you can start real estate investing with The Investor's Edge.

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Ryan G. Wright
Ryan became a multimillionaire before the age of 30 through a combination of real estate investing and a passion for personal finance. He hates Wall Street, loves personal margin, and advocates for everyone to take control of their finances themselves - all of which he talks about on the Income Hacker podcast.
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