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Wholesaling From Zero to 2 Million
Dec 4, 2019 11:38:00 AM

Wholesaling From Zero to 2 Million

Listen to Episode 38:

‘Money is our biggest obstacle in life’… if you have been feeling this way, take a deep breath, and prepare, because your struggle days may come to an end today. Sometimes it’s a bit complicated to end a troubled relationship with money, but it’s never too late. Today we are learning all about wholesaling and how you can do it regardless of any credit, income or job. Our today’s guest wants to help every real estate wholesaler to scale his or her business up to 7 figures, and if you are wondering how, it’s time to meet James Hodges.

After traveling doing mission work around the world with his wife for 3 years, James began his entrepreneurial journey as a personal trainer, and soon realized that real estate wholesaling was his biggest passion. Within his first year in business, James made $1.1 million in profit along with his partner and found out that they were more productive and effective when they focused on something specific, so they stopped expanding on other areas and started specializing and becoming experts on wholesaling deals exclusively. 

In this episode, James shares with us how wholesaling can and will take time, effort and money, but the more consistent you are with your goals, the faster you will achieve them. James knows exactly the true value that wholesalers bring to their clients, how to track and measure results of the activities you make to scale your business up, and why creating marketing systems for real estate investors, like his mentorship program REI Game Changers, is essential.

“The biggest mistake most people make when starting a business venture is underestimating the level of action that it is going to take in order to succeed.” - James Hodges

Podcast summary:

(02:39) - The Wholesale Genius and the three primary ways to close a wholesale deal.

(07:46) - The volume-focus ratio: becoming an expert at making a lot of money.

(11:25) - James on how to get started: learn and take action.

(15:30) - Investing money, effort and time to get started and James’ secret to doing it right.

(19:46) - From zero to 2 million: how James’ life exponentially changed when he entered the wholesaling market.

(23:45) - On agents and silver plate deals: why you won’t be talking too much to agents in wholesaling.

(27:52) - Why James advises you to be consistent and to track your results if you want to scale.

(30:36) - Marketing avenues and James’ choice for the starting wholesaler.

(36:11) - James’ first income hack: one Facebook funnel and a 2,500 USD return.

(41:59) - Setting goals, resetting mindsets and sending letters to yourself: James’ achievements in his income hacker journey.

(44:36) - How James started a wholesaling business with 1000 USD in his pocket and made millions in 18 months.

(46:13) - Rejecting oblivion and leaving a legacy, this is why James does this.

Connect with James

Follow James on Instagram

Follow James’ Business Facebook Page 

REI Game Changers Official Website 

Episode Resources

The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Want to learn more?

Join Ryan on our next webinar to learn how you can start real estate investing with The Investor's Edge.

Ryan G. Wright
Ryan became a multimillionaire before the age of 30 through a combination of real estate investing and a passion for personal finance. He hates Wall Street, loves personal margin, and advocates for everyone to take control of their finances themselves - all of which he talks about on the Income Hacker podcast.
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