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Multi-Million Dollar Deals
Oct 3, 2019 2:39:00 PM

Multi-Million Dollar Deals in Just Five Years With Ola Dantis - Episode 6

Listen to Episode 6:

When people enter the entrepreneur world, they have to get used to one specific situation: rejection. However, Ola is sure that there are only opportunities in life, not obstacles. If you have not decided to invest in real estate because you think its booming period has passed, you better look again. Meet our Income Hacker guest for today’s show: Ola Dantis. He is completely sure that ‘the time is now’ when it comes to real estate. 

Born and raised in Nigeria, Ola Dantis moved to the US five years ago without knowing anything related to the real estate investment industry. Very soon, he realized he could do amazing things investing and in that short time, he learned how to flip properties, house hacked properties and apartment dwellings. Ola has sourced over 40 million dollars of deals working with different sellers and apartment indicators across the US. Not long ago, Ola closed a deal on a 160 unit apartment complex.

In this episode, he shares with us the difference between investing and gambling and the importance of buying properties based on cash flow. He’ll show us how to get in the right mindset for self-transformation, knowing the perfect timing to build relationships, and instilling money principles into your children.

“Our brain is constantly eavesdropping on everything we say. Constantly… so feed it positivity.”


Podcast summary:

02:48 - Ola’s epiphany in his quest for greatness and the unexpected trip to Dubai that changed his life for the better.

06:37 - ‘The best time is now’... If you think you’ve missed the booming period in real estate, think again.

08:29 - The difference between investing and gambling: buying based on cash flow.

15:44 - How to get in the right mindset (even when your plans punch you in the face)!

20:16 - The power of sowing and reaping when it comes to self-transformation.

26:23 - Ola’s first house hack and what it means to be a homeowner.

29:45 - The “shiny object syndrome” and knowing to trust your gut.

32:52 - How timing and relationships came into place in one of Ola’s greatest Income Hacking success.

35:23 - Self-confidence and self-discipline: the ingredients for taking your life to the next level.

40:28 - Sensitizing your kids into money with the question, ‘do I want this or do I need this?’, and the power of showing them by example.

Connect with Ola

Follow Ola on Twitter 

Listen to Ola’s Podcast: The Dwellynn Show

Episode Resources

Brian Tracy’s YouTube Channel 

Fixer Upper With Chip and Joanna Gaines

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Tax-Free Wealth by Tom Wheelwright

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Notion App: For note-taking and project-management

Want to learn more?

Join Ryan on our next webinar to learn how you can start real estate investing with The Investor's Edge.

Learn More - Attend Our Next Webinar

Ryan G. Wright
Ryan became a multimillionaire before the age of 30 through a combination of real estate investing and a passion for personal finance. He hates Wall Street, loves personal margin, and advocates for everyone to take control of their finances themselves - all of which he talks about on the Income Hacker podcast.
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