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Giving Your Money a Purpose With Chris Naugle
Jun 10, 2020 12:10:00 PM

Giving Your Money a Purpose With Chris Naugle

Listen to Episode 56:

Most people look at a dollar, or a hundred dollars, or even a million dollars, and think about ways they can spend it. In reality, money is so much more than just its buying power. Today, we’re talking about its investing power.

In this episode our friend and money mastermind, Chris Naugle, is going to teach you a principle you should never forget, the one thing that unites us all: people always want to make more money. Once you realize this concept, you think less about how you can spend your money, and more about how your money can be a problem solver for others, and that’s where your money can start to grow.

Today’s guest has a whole laundry list of titles, so long that it’s hard to pin him to just one thing. He’s a former professional snowboarder, financial advisor, and a stock broker, managing millions in assets. He has been featured on HGTV Risky Builders, he’s made hundreds of real estate transactions, and so much more.

It’s time to stop “playing it safe” by hoarding every dime you have in the bank. It’s time to make your money work for you.

 “The only way anyone can ever fail at anything is to quit….Every single successful person I’ve ever surrounded myself with has failed. And if they haven’t failed, they haven’t succeeded….You will learn more from each and every failure than you will ever learn from a success.”

—Chris Naugle


Podcast Summary:

1:46 - Chris shares his story about the ups and downs of investing, and the roller coaster he’s gone through to achieve his dreams.

4:17 - Surrounding yourself with financial masterminds: Chris discusses how he gains knowledge and mentorship from those he looks up to.

6:02 - What happens when you ask a billionaire what they do with money? The truth about how money really works, and living the big lie.

7:55 - The secret of millionaires and billionaires: help people make money.

10:06 - Your money is bored in the bank. It should be working for you.

11:51 - Chris’s first income hack: using his childhood network to fund his dreams.

13:15 - First income income hacker mistake: impulsive investing without research.

14:34 - Chris motivates listeners to defy the fear and embrace failure.

16:49 - Debunking “Instagram” success stories.

19:03 - Freedom starts at the end of the road; Ryan calls it “reverse engineering your success.”

20:34 - HGTV’s illusion of reality. Real life deals don’t make for good TV.

24:08 - Chris’s biggest income hacker success: helping his mom use her money wisely. 

25:29 - What would Chris do if he had to start all over?

26:13 - Teaching financial principles to the next generation.

28:18 - Wrapping up questions with Chris.


Link to Chris’s free training:

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:


“The problem in America is not what people don’t know, the problem in America is what people think they know that just ain’t so.” —Will Rogers


Want to learn more?

Join Ryan on our next webinar to learn how you can start real estate investing with The Investor's Edge.

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Ryan G. Wright
Ryan became a multimillionaire before the age of 30 through a combination of real estate investing and a passion for personal finance. He hates Wall Street, loves personal margin, and advocates for everyone to take control of their finances themselves - all of which he talks about on the Income Hacker podcast.
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