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203k Loans and Cracking the Real Estate Code
Nov 13, 2019 3:56:00 PM

203k Loans and Cracking the Real Estate Code

Listen to Episode 29:

When it comes to looking for financial freedom and pursuing the idea to achieve so, there are endless stories, but only a handful achieve them before turning 30. Today’s story is shared to prove us all wrong: Even though closing the first deal is one of the hardest things real estate investors have to do, once you have achieved that goal, it is a real eye-opener. That’s what happened to Mathew Porcaro. He spent three years cracking the real estate code and he doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

New York-based Mathew Porcaro, realized at the young age of 24, he was never going to achieve success by working at a regular 9-5 job and that’s when he started getting involved in the real estate universe. As most Income Hacker guests’, Porcaro had his first approach understanding how people get rich with Kiyosaki’s master book. He proceeded to scoop into stocks and options trading, whilst educating himself in the finance journey. 

Today’s episode is all about Mathew cracking the real estate code: Making deals of 900% ROI with 9500 USD, applying to 203K loans (only once) and achieving deals to keep buying properties. From trying everything and feeling down to earning $2000 per month from the first deal he made, Porcaro is here to teach us the importance of picking up the correct coach, being careful of the mentors that don’t practice what they preach and transitioning to become the most interesting man in the room. Tune in this Income Hacker episode and listen up, because Mathew will reveal to us the secret to the 203K program! 

“Something that I only dreamed of getting is something that is now happening to me all the time, and that is because of that one deal.” Mathew Porcaro

Podcast summary:

02:31 - What is the 203K loan and how Mathew used it to start his real estate investing career. 

08:23 - Not the sexiest way to do it, but getting rich slow is the way to go.

13:22 - The power of finding someone to hook your wagon to and how you can find your way to success through a mentor.

17:00 - A lot of paperwork involved: qualifications you should consider before applying for a 203K loan.

22:14 - How a single FHA loan opened plenty of doors and liberated Mathew from using conventional bank financing.

24:33 - Why you will only want to apply for a 203K loan once.

29:32 - How Mathew wrapped up the FHA loan and obtained a glorified line of credit for it.

32:20 - The snowball of wealth: from struggling every day to becoming the most interesting man in the room.

35:35 - How developing a worksheet and finding a reputable contractor will result in wonders for your next project.

44:11 - How hiring a 203K consultant can help you save money on your next contract.

45:34 - How money volatility inspired Mathew to pursue financial stability and help other people.

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Episode Resources

Mathew’s manifesto 

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Ryan G. Wright
Ryan became a multimillionaire before the age of 30 through a combination of real estate investing and a passion for personal finance. He hates Wall Street, loves personal margin, and advocates for everyone to take control of their finances themselves - all of which he talks about on the Income Hacker podcast.
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