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Ryan G. WrightJan 29, 2016 3:03:32 AM1 min read

Find Your Why For Real Estate Success

Find Your Why For Real Estate Success

So, you know you want to invest in real estate. And you’re working on learning what you need to do in order to make your real estate investment business successful. But if you’ve not taken the time to get clear on your “why” then real estate success will be more difficult to obtain.

If your “why” is just so you can “have more money” you’ve not gone deep enough. The “why” is what you fall back on when you run into the inevitable roadblocks and set backs that are going to come your way. “More financial security” is too vague. Ask yourself why…

some example whys:

  • I want my daughter to be able to do a semester abroad
  • We want 6-12 months savings in the bank so we don’t experience the same thing we did last time one of us was laid off
  • I want to be able to make sure my dad has the best care possible now that he has dementia
  • I want to see all the places I dreamed about as a child
  • We want to leave our grandchildren a legacy
  • I want to quit my job, or even just my second job

or whys that are not financial

  • I want to prove to myself that I have what it takes
  • We never get to work together on our dreams

Take some time to dig deep and find all of your whys. Most likely you have more than one. These are valuable. It is worth making sure they are written down and that you can see them often.

Find your why for real estate success.

Here at The Investor's Edge, our goal is to help you reach your goal. We have created tools, software, education and hard money loan programs to help you be successful. See how it all works by registering for our next webinar.

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