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Ryan G. WrightMay 24, 2018 2:10:04 PM3 min read

The 3 Secrets to Success Larry Miller Personally Taught Me

The 3 Secrets to Success Larry Miller Personally Taught Me

Many years ago, I won a Young Entrepreneur award.

The grand prize? A lunch with Larry Miller!

If you don’t remember Larry, he was the owner of the Utah Jazz and a business icon here in the Salt Lake Valley. He was a hero of mine, and I was beyond excited to meet him.

I prepped a single question to ask him:

“What’s the secret to success?”

I know, it’s a funny question because it’s SO big – but it’s the exact kind of question 17-year-old me wanted the answer to.

But when I got the opportunity to ask him, his answer disappointed.

He said 3 things:

  1. Show up
  2. Show up on time
  3. Show up prepared

That’s it?

That’s the grandiose secret to a billion-dollar empire? I thought he was holding out on me, and I went home upset.

Now, fast forward a few decades, and I’ve had a complete turnaround on his “showing up” philosophy! In fact, I realize it’s been the driver of all of my success since then. Let me explain.

Just Show Up

Over the years, I’ve realized that most people don’t show up. Maybe they have an idea (“let’s fix & flip!”) but then they never do anything about it. Or, they slap a magnet on their car for 3 days that says “I buy homes for cash” – but then quit when they don’t get a single phone call.

Showing up is calling over and over again. It’s about sending endless postcards. It’s about paying 50 people to put magnets on their cars, and other finding strategies UNTIL YOU FIND SOMEONE, and not stopping before then.

You’ll find your first person out of sheer willpower, but maybe it takes you 2 months. You have no idea what you’re doing yet. You don’t know what to say. You don’t really know who to talk to. But the hard work overcomes that, eventually.

Then, it’s all about honing and refining your strategies and skillset. Maybe that first person you find was from a postcard you sent to an out-of-state owner renting out his property. So, you double down on that strategy, and the next time you find someone in 1 month!

Then you start figuring out how to negotiate like a pro, handle complicated contract issues, better estimate rehab costs and a thousand other skills.

Then you’ll find people quicker, create deals with less speed bumps, and eventually be able to handle every single problem that comes your way.

That’s what showing up prepared means.

It isn’t about figuring out the one trick phrase to use on people. It’s not one magical strategy that you can use to find people within an hour. It isn’t a short cut at all – in fact, it’s the opposite.

While everyone else is looking for short cuts, you’ll show up, every day, to do the hard work they aren’t willing to.

That advice has been the key to every ounce of success I’ve had, and my students who successfully flip homes understand that also.

If there’s one thing I could tell every new fix & flipper, it’s that it’s not easy. Start with hard work, and never relent, but learn some new skills to become more efficient along the way. That’s the secret to success.

In fact, if you see yourself as someone who’s ready to pay the price, and isn’t looking for a short cut, then I’d love to teach you how to flip houses. I don’t care if you have poor credit, no experience, and little cash to your name – I want you if you’re willing to learn and determined to make this work, no matter what.

Learn how you can make money flipping properties with us by attending our next webinar.

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