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Ryan G. WrightDec 13, 2017 10:18:12 PM2 min read

Ripe for Parody: South Park Creators Target Fix-and-Flips in their Latest Episode

Ripe for Parody: South Park Creators Target Fix-and-Flips in their Latest Episode

Creators and writers of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, are certainly no strangers to parody. They find the funny in every new fad, political figure and social situation sweeping the nation. No one is safe from their comedic criticism, from the creators of fidget spinners to the President of the United States. And in one of their newest episodes in season 21, they set their satiric sights on fixing and flipping homes.

But the craziest part is… they found nothing to criticize!

In a South Park first, they parodied house-flipping to glorify it rather than rip it a new one. And we found their schticky shout-out absolutely hilarious!

In this episode, Randy and Sharon Marsh decide to film their own fix-and-flip show. They take multiple couples and make suggestions for a better rehab. The episode featured a particularly funny running gag of Randy Marsh constantly advising couples to tear down the wall between the kitchen and the living room to create a more “open concept” (we at The Investor's Edge find that hilarious because we’re constantly writing about profitable funded deals that created an open flow from the living room to the kitchen and dining room).

Later in the episode, Randy confronts a man named Darryl, who’s causing trouble. Randy suspects Darryl’s explosive anger has a deeper cause. After Darryl expresses his frustrations with the community, the country and his own life, Randy claims that the way to make everything perfect… is to tear down the wall between his living room and kitchen to give his home a more “open concept.” The citizen bitterly replies that he can’t because the wall dividing his kitchen and living room is a load-bearing wall. Randy calmly suggests he use “adjustable steel lally columns to temporarily jack up the second floor so that the load-bearing wall can be replaced with a 4×6 lvl structural beam.” Randy and Darryl then happily tear down the wall and rehab the dilapidated home into a gorgeous, open living space. Darryl sheds tears of gratitude as the scene cuts away.

And we were laughing like crazy.

(Click here to watch a small clip from the South Park episode)

Though it may not guarantee the perfect life as Randy claims, fixing and flipping homes is an excellent way to both improve your own life and the lives of others. Rehabbing homes can give you a huge return on your investment and help you become financially independent. Likewise, fixing up homes can improve communities as well as provide beautiful housing for new home buyers.

And get this… It’s such a lucrative investment that even the South Park guys didn’t have anything bad to say about it!

The Investor's Edge helps hundreds of people open the door to financial freedom through profitable real estate investments. The key to profit lies in finding a good property in a fantastic area and executing a phenomenal rehab. As a result, you will receive solid returns. To pull off a flawless rehab, you do need to create that “open concept,” add the nice counter tops and stainless steel appliances in the kitchen and upgrade the bathrooms. But we can talk to you about it all day long. Why not show you how it all works?

Learn how you can make money flipping properties with us by attending our next webinar.

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