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Ryan G. WrightOct 31, 2013 8:30:26 PM1 min read

Improved Delivery on Our Smartphone App

Hey, folks. A real fast update for the post this week.

I just finished making some major improvements to how REIs can access my Deal Analyzer Smartphone App.

Now you can download the app straight to your phone without email links.

I thought this would be much more convenient for everyone, especially for anyone trying to get the app while actually on their phone (fewer steps).

If you haven’t had the chance to grab my app yet, I invite you to do so right away.

Why the Free App?

I started investing long before smartphones and mobile internet became a thing.

After these incredible inventions began to permeate all of our lives, I immediately started thinking about what I wish I had had back when Napster was big news and people were still saying “Whassup!?

It only took moments to realize that analyzing the profit potential of deals anywhere I went was way at the top of my list.

A little investigation uncovered (to my surprise) that a quality phone app can be made quickly and distributed easily. So I thought, “Why not make it free?!”

The rest is history, and I haven’t regretted the decision to make the app free ever since (so many things that aren’t should be, I think).

Technicals Difficulties

If you have recently tried to download my app and ran into technical difficulties, I apologize.

The trouble was most likely related to the changes we were making.

Everything is up and running just great now, so I hope you give it another shot. If you do have any problems though, feel free to contact us at, and we’ll get you taken care of right away.

Have a great end of week and weekend everyone. And have fun analyzing those deals on your phones!

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