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Flipping Houses
Ryan G. WrightJul 20, 2017 5:58:40 PM2 min read

Is Flipping Houses Still Profitable?

Is Flipping Houses Still Profitable?

As fix-and-flip investments continue to grow in popularity, many ask themselves, “How can flipping houses still be profitable?” Didn’t all of the opportunities dry up by now? How can real estate rehab investments turn a profit if everyone is doing it? Won’t the supply significantly outweigh the demand?

Believe it or not, flipping homes is STILL profitable. In fact, it’s more profitable now than its ever been. Fixing and flipping homes grows stronger throughout the years. The Investor's Edge lends hundreds of thousands to fulfill the dreams of real estate investors every day.

You may ask yourself, “How is this possible?” Fix-and-flip investments maintain their strength thanks to a few simple real estate market variables. These variables remain constant throughout market ups and downs. They also point to consistent returns on real estate investments:

  1. There Will Always Be Good Areas – Regardless of how the real estate market changes throughout the years, good neighborhoods will always exist. The secret to fix-and-flip success is to find these areas and look for possible deals. You can network these areas and make friends with local realtors and neighbors. This ensures that you are the first to know when a home hits the market.
  2. Homes Will Always Age – Through the passage of time, one thing is certain: homes age. They go out of style, they deteriorate, they break down. In short, the supply for aging homes never runs out. Find an older home in a phenomenal area, especially one in which the seller is motivated. Motivated sellers are usually those in probate, divorce or foreclosure situations. They sell homes for incredibly discounted prices, due to wanting to offload the property as quickly as possible.

In addition to these variables, use good flipping practices to ensure high returns on your investments. These methods stay consistent no matter what and glean success, even in a less-lucrative market:

  1. You Make Money on the Buy – The key to fix-and-flip success is purchasing a property in a fantastic area for a low price. Like we mentioned previously, the way to find discounted homes is to keep an eye out for motivated sellers. You can find these types of sellers wherever there is a foreclosure, short sale, probate or divorce situation brewing.
  2. Rehab for the Buyer – Add current popular home trends to your rehab or keep the upgrades basic. Either way, keep the buyer in mind when you rehab your property. You must sell the property as quickly as possible to gain a higher return on your investment. Therefore, upgrade your home to attract as many buyers as possible. Stay aware and up-to-date on which updates currently attract buyers and rehab accordingly.
  3. Marketing Booms Through Social Media – The greatest advantage you have is our reliance on/addiction to social media. You have an instant marketing platform to spread the word about your home. Most of these platforms are free of cost. If you have a well-rehabbed property in an incredible location, you may not have to do much hard-core marketing. Word can go viral if your deal is excellent.

See how you can flip properties with us by attending our next webinar.

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